
    Agent Gateway

    Agent Generator

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    Agent Class Generator

    The Agent Generator is a supporting tool for generating Gateway Agents (which reside in the Agent Gateway and provide a concrete web service interface for a particular Target Agents).

    Quick steps to generate a Gateway Agent

  1. Install J2SE SDK 1.4 or higher and Apache Ant 1.5 or higher.
  2. Edit the build.properties file. Create Java interface of the agent's web service (and compile it).
  3. Generate the agent classes:
    >ant generate_agent
  4. Change the generated implementation of the GatewayAgent class for every web service method to fit your case.
  5. Compile and pack the Gateway Agent classes:
    >ant jar_agent

    Note: It is recommended to use the agentsrc directory as the source directory of the agent.

Last update: July 21, 2003

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